The Fire Litter
Co-breeders: Pat and Randy McKinney
Co-breeders: Pat and Randy McKinney
Our Fire pups have names that have the word fire in it. To go to each dog’s web page click on his/her name.
Some of the Fire litter got together in March 2010 at Dream Park for a mini-reunion. Here they are:
“Winona” moved to Massachusetts to live with Christie-Lee McNamara, Pi and Sundance. She is doing agility, obedience, field and tracking. Winona was named with the Iroquois name for dog (Ji:Hah) and honors the Onandaga, the Fire Keepers of the Iroquois League. Her call name, Winona or Winee is an Native American name for first-born daughter.
“Zahra” moved to NJ with Deb D’Elia, her UD golden and German Shepherd. Zahra and Deb are doing agility, obedience and possibly field. Zahra in Arabic means brilliant or bright and in Hebrew means bright dawn or sunrise. Sounds perfect for this pup since Zahra started her career with a 200 score and multiple High in Trial awards in Novice, quickly finished her Open title and earned her UD by qualifying in her first four trials with four 1sts! Since then she finished her OTCH and qualified for the 2012 National Obedience Invitational.
“Bang” headed off to Maryland to live with Pat Kavanagh. They are doing agility, obedience, tracking and field. Bang has his OTCH and qualifyied for the 2012 National Obedience Invitational.
“Tux” moved to Connecticut with Chris and Mike Marinelli and their dogs Gabby, Liza and Harley. They are doing agility, obedience and field.
“Brass” has moved south to Virginia where he joined Rosie, Annie, and Risk. He is doing agility, tracking, obedience and field. Brass (or BB) is named for the wonderful R & B group, Earth, Wind and Fire. Brass earned his JH easily and started Novice B obedience off with a bang, taking 1st place and High in Trial in his first trial.
“Oakley” moved to Michigan with Susie Przytula, her husband, Todd, son, Ben an dthe border terriers. There they are doing agility, obedience, tracking and conformation. “Oakley” is named for the great sharpshooter, Annie Oakley (even though he’s a boy).
“Bounce” also moved to NJ. He’s moved in with Anita and Al Lupcho and their bichon, Genta and the cats. Anita and Bounce is doing agility and obedience in addition to therapy work. Anita runs the Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D.) program in their town so Bounce is destined to help children learn to read.
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