Andy and I have been breeding beautiful performance golden retrievers for 38 years and are committed to the multi-purpose golden retriever, a dog who conforms to the Golden Retriever Standard and retains the breed’s original abilities as a hunting companion. Today, our dogs excel as search and rescue and therapy dogs; compete in every event open to golden retrievers, from agility and obedience to tracking, field trials and hunting events, with a few of our dogs showing in breed; and, serve as loving family companions. If you are looking for a talented and beautiful working or competition dog, drop us a note. If you are looking for a pet, know that we rarely have pet puppies available sooner than a year so our waiting list is long.
Here on our website you can read more about our breeding philosophy and methods, meet our dogs, and learn about our breeding plans. We have also included information about the breed for those of you interested in getting started in competition, getting a hunting companion or seeking a good quality pet golden retriever.
We raise our dogs on raw diets with several key supplements: AVN Probalance Canine, Geneflora for Pets, Grizzly Salmon or Pollock Oil, and OcuGlo Eye Supplements. We highly recommend these products to all golden retriever owners.

Go to About Us to find out more about Gaylans Goldens–our kennel story, breeding philosophy, expectations of ourselves and our buyers, and details about our contracts and warranty.
What’s New!
If you are a regular to our site, check What’s New? to find out all the exciting doings with the Gaylan’s gang and changes we have made to our website.
To find out what Gaylan’s dogs have done in various competitive endeavors, check out our dog’s recent accomplishments. Our dogs regularly earn titles in conformation, obedience, agility, tracking and field, supporting our claim that we are producing beautiful dogs that are talented in a wide variety of arenas.
General Information
If you are trying to decide if you should get a golden retriever, we encourage you to educate yourself before getting a puppy or adult. Start with Just Goldens page to learn about this breed and finding a golden.
Saying Farewell
If you are struggling with a difficult decision about euthanasia or the loss of your pet, visit At the Bridge. There you will find words of solace and inspiration, as well as links to sites dedicated to assisting owners in dealing with the death of their pets.