- Owners Sue and Mike Wieder
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12/1/2006 – 9/2019 AKC SR 39114005
Wyeth was named for the well known artist, Andrew Wyeth who lives in Chaddsford, PA where the Chaddsford Winery also makes it home. One of the winery’s best known wines is its Sunset Blush.
Wyeth headed off to Pennsylvania to do agility, field, tracking and more with Sue and Mike. He earned his Working Certificate (WC) at 10 months of age at both his and Sue’s first field event ever. Less than a year later, he completed his Junior Hunter (JH) title at the 2008 Golden Retriever National Specialty, where he also earned his first two Novice Agility (NA) legs. A few weeks later, he earned his WCX at the GSGRC test and wrapped up his NA and NAJ titles. Most recently, he finished his OA, OAJ and OF titles in agility and is running Senior hunt tests. He earned his first SH leg in his first test at Westchester Retriever Club.
In 2010, he has finished up his AX, AXJ and XF titles in agility and is training hard in field. He has also welcomed Gracie into the family and is staying busy as a big “brother.”
Most recently, he earned his first MH leg. Congratulations to Wyeth and Sue!