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Gaylan’s Tickle Me Pink Piper CDX RAE TD NW3


Loved by: Marilyn Turner

FemaleColor Litter

Pedigree & Clearances

DOB: 11/26/2013  AKC SR81297104


Piper’s Perfect Rally Excellent score

Piper has been the easiest Golden I have ever had the privilege to train and have fun with. I was showing her at 9 mos. Her titles include CDX, RN,RA, RAE, TD, NW 1, NW2, looking for 1 more qualifying score for her NW3. She qualified for Rally Nationals 3 consecutive years for her RAE when she was under 2 year and earned a HIT along the way. We continue tracking training and nose work. She has all the skills for her UD and we may finish that. She loves being the demo dog at AKC Scent Work Trials up through Master level and I love seeing her confidence and joy in scent work.

You ask what I love most about Piper and Jack so I attached a list of thoughts they inspired me to write along with Jacks wisdom pose he so often displays

Live Like a Golden Retriever

Be open to adventure

Play hard

Wag your whole body

Love unconditionally

Cuddle Often

Greet everyone with a smile

Forgive quickly

Be goofy when you want to

Bring joy to those you love

Spring into every day

Jump joyously for small things

Bound through the mud in life

Shake it off