6 pups, 1 female and 5 male, born March 20, 2012
Gaylan’s Country Music Litter
“Tui” lives in Oregon with Suzanne Bolwell to do field, obedience and perhaps more.
“Rookie” lives on Long Island with Phyllis and Phil Covino and his big brother Ace from the Gambling litter. He is doing field, agility and obedience.
“Jive” lives in Wisconsin with Sionag Black and will be doing field and agility.
“Hobby.” lives in Maryland and is loved and co-owned by Chris Zink and Samra Elser. He will be doing tracking, field, agility and obedience.
“Caper” moved to California with Joyce Davis and will be doing field and obedience.
“Jag” lives in Connecticut with Mary Cotter and Brian Patenaude and they will be doing agility.