- Owners Deb D'Elia
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7/17/2007 – 3/29/2021 AKC SR44099607
Zahra was commonly referred to by a few nicknames, including Miss Pink and “the G.O.A.T.” She earned the G.O.A.T. title only in part because she was an accomplished obedience dog that achieved an OTCH10, and loved nothing more than to be in the ring. She was a beautiful heeling dog and almost never lost points on heeling.
My son dubbed her the G.O.A.T. because of her personality at home. She was the greatest house dog and the greatest puppy raiser. Although she ruled the pack with absolute authority, she was the sweetest dog that we ever knew. She epitomized what a Golden Retriever should be in every single way: bright, biddable, energetic, up for any game. She loved to retrieve everything except dead birds; that was beneath her. One of my fondest memories was Gayle rolling around in the snow playing keep away with a bird to try to get Zahra to want it. Nope, you can have it Gayle!
Like any good Golden, she never said no to food of any type, but she was famous for loving her watermelon and got it at trials when she completed a ring.
Miss her every day.