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(CH & OTCH Sunstreak of Culynwood TD WC OS ODHF x Aurora’s Dream of Garzas Canyon Am-Can CD WCX OS)
Loved By: Craig Sheilds
DOB: 10/22/1981 AKC SD-429108
Our first champion from our first litter, RUSTY started his show career winning Best in Sweepstakes at NORCAL’s summer specialty. He was NORCAL’s 1982 Show Puppy of the Year and he went on to take a 5-point major at the same speciality the following year, losing out on BOW to Gina King’s great bitch, CH Sunshine’s Rebel Rose CD. Handled by Pluis Davern, Rusty also finished his CD and WC after his championship. Rusty was a beautiful red-gold dog, with exceptional angulation and movement.
Rusty’s Pedigree
Am. CH. Footprint Of Yeo CD OS
Am. CH. Sabahka’s Alexander Of Cal-Vo CD OS OFA Exc, Eyes clear
Am. CH. Beckwith’s Malagold Starfarm OD
Sire: Am Can Ch & OTCH Sunstreak of Culynwood UDT WCX OS OBHF OFA Good, CERF
Am. CH. Ronakers Broken Wings Brutus
Am. CH. Tangelos End of the Rainbow CD WC OD
Am. CH. Culynwood’s Golden Poppy CDX
Dual CH AFC Tigathoe’s Funky Farquar OS DDHF FDHF
Am. Ch Almaden Sundowners Sequoia UD WC KH
Sundowners Bronze Sherry CDX WC
Dam: Aurora’s Dream of Garzas Can Am CD WCX OD Can CD HIT winner OFA Good, CERF, SAS clear
Desmond Aland Marlowe
Charla’s Amber of Garzas Canyon OFA, Eyes Clear
Wakara of Walden West