- Owners Vicki and Bob Chaney
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(6/22/2008-6/3/2022) AKC SR50855608
Ivy headed west to California where she lives with Vicki and Bob Chaney, their two goldens, Darcy and Polly, and Baggins the cat. Ivy and Vicki are doing obedience, agility, tracking and (hopefully) field work. Ivy is named for Thaleia, the Greek Muse of comedy who was portrayed with a comic mask, shepherd’s staff and wreath of ivy, thus the call name “Ivy.”
At 7 months, Ivy earned her first title, her Tracking Dog title at the Golden Retriever Club of San Diego’s test. Three months later, she earned her Working Certificate (WC) on her first attempt. She then earned her RN and RA with great scores and lots of firsts. In early 2010, she finished her Junior Hunter title and then passed the TDX test.
In August 2010, Ivy quickly completed her CD title with three 1st places, a High-in-Trial award and all scores above 197. By November 2010, she had finished her CDX with all scores above 195 and completed her RAE with many perfect scores. In March 2011, she finished her UD with a 1st and 2nd from the Open B class. And in May 2011, she finished her UDX in 11 shows with more HITs and six High Combined awards. By June, she had entered the GRCA Obedience Hall of Fame, finished her OM2 titles, and was well on her way to her OTCH.
Ivy has also started agility, has earned her AXJ and OA quickly and is collecting MXJ legs. In July 2011, she finished her AX making her our first VCD3 dog and her MXJ soon thereafter. In October 2011, she finished her Obedience Trial Championship and a week later, passed the GRCA’s Working Certificate Excellent!
Ivy qualified for the 2012 AKC National Obedience Invitational at the Kennel Club of Palm Springs regional trials. Over the three days, Ivy earned 1,179.5 points out of a possible 1200. Wow! Since then, she returned to the agility ring to finish her MX title.
In May 2012, Ivy tackled her Master Agility Championship, earning QQ after QQ as Vicki sought to finish Ivy’s MACH before she came in season. Sure enough, over Labor Day weekend, they QQd three days and thus made Ivy the second Gaylan’s OTCH MACH!
Ivy, Vicki and Bob then took on an even bigger challenge. They bred Ivy to NDC NMFR RockErin Red River Ruckus *** OS and made the trip from CA to NY with Ivy’s six 3-week old puppies. We had such a wonderful time with all the Chaneys, including Baggins the cat! The “Disney” litter are all in their homes and Ivy is back to showning and training again.