We started this page to pay tribute to some of the very special dogs we have known. Since then it has evolved into a source of help for pet owners who are facing the loss, or potential loss of a beloved dog. The name of the page, Waiting at the Bridge, comes from a wonderful poem, The Rainbow Bridge that captures the feelings and hopes of many pet owners as they face the loss of a pet. In the poem, beloved dogs who have died wait patiently for their owners before crossing over the Rainbow Bridge to eternity. On this page, you will find The Rainbow Bridge and other poems and stories that we find comforting. There are also tributes to some special dogs (and a few cats) and a list of pet-loss support sources, including links to other web sites and phone numbers for pet-loss counseling hot lines.
Fragile Circle
We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan.